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TILaMaS is an industrial research and experimental development project that has been selected within the Tech4You ecosystem.
The TILaMaS project CUP H23C22000370006, selected under the Research and Innovation Ecosystem Programme entitled ‘Tech4You’, identified with code ECS000009, is funded under the PNRR and by the European Union – NextGenerationEU.

Tech4You programme (code ECS 00000009) (PNRR)
MISSION 4 COMPONENT 2, ‘From research to business’.
INVESTMENT 1.5, ‘Creation and strengthening of innovation ecosystems building ‘territorial R&D leaders”.
Technology Area: Climate, Energy, Sustainable Mobility
Theme 2: Technologies to reduce energy consumption and preserve biodiversity
Acronym: TILaMaS
Project title: Tools for Implementing Land Management System for Biodiversity Conservation
Project CUP: H23C22000370006
Project cost: 367.775,00 €.
Grant awarded: €264,200.00
Programme Tech4You (codice ECS 00000009) (PNRR)
MISSION 4 COMPONENT 2, “Dalla ricerca all’impresa”
INVESTIMENT 1.5, “Creazione e rafforzamento di “Ecosistemi dell’innovazione” costruzione di “leader Territoriali di R&S”
Technology Area: Climate, Energy, Sustainable Mobility
Spoke 2: Technologies to reduce energy consumption and save biodiversity
Acronym: TILaMaS
Project title: Tools for Implementing Land Management System for Biodiversity Conservation
Project CUP: H23C22000370006
Project cost: 367.775,00 €
Grant awarded: 264.200,00 €
“TILaMaS – Tools for Implementing Land Management System for Biodiversity Conservation” is a project selected within the research and innovation ecosystem Tech4You – Technologies for Climate Change Adaptation and Quality of Life Improvement, which falls under the area “Climate, Energy, Sustainable Mobility” of the National Research Plan (NRP).
The main objective of Tech4You is to create an innovation ecosystem in the Calabria and Basilicata regions, where scientific research carried out by the region’s universities and research centres can meet the needs of citizens and public bodies and be transformed into products that can be commercialised and exploited by local companies.
Inspired by Horizon Europe’s ‘Adapting to Climate Change‘ mandate, the project aims to develop technologies for adapting to the climate crisis by improving the resilience of communities and reducing economic disparities in the region.
It is in this scenario that our research and innovation programme intends to intervene, proposing an innovative environmental monitoring system for Calabria, aimed at protecting grassland ecosystems and improving air quality. All this with the aim of raising the awareness of local communities, improving people’s quality of life and strengthening the competitiveness of local SMEs.
The basis of the technology proposal is the synergetic integration of 3 key elements:
- Drones: Flying over grassland ecosystems, they capture high-resolution images that provide a detailed picture of the condition of the land;
- Micro-cameras with biomonitors: integrated into drones, they enable real-time monitoring of air quality and detection of pollutants, providing valuable information for public health and environmental protection.
- Artificial intelligence: analysing images captured by drones, identifying the health of plant species and providing essential data to optimise farming practices and promote sustainability.
The main aim of the Project is to protect and preserve the environment, which represents Calabria’s priceless cultural heritage.
Through continuous monitoring and in-depth analysis, it is possible to assess the health of environmental systems, identify critical issues and take targeted action to protect them. Air quality monitoring systems using biomonitors will detect pollutants in the atmosphere, allowing sources of pollution to be identified and intervention plans to be developed. The data collected by the monitoring system will be accessible through a common digital platform, creating a transparent flow of information that can be used by multiple stakeholders such as farmers, local authorities and citizens.
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